Aspect Advisory


The Aspect Advisory Academy’s Financial Education Courses are a series of technical training seminars that are designed and crafted for banking and finance professionals like you who want to advance their abilities, expertise, and tools to flourish in their present jobs and position themselves for future leadership positions.

By giving you a greater understanding of topics like operational risk management, regulatory and internal risk management, stress testing, Liquidity risk management under CRR, and many other crucial tools that will increase your financial savvy, we will better prepare you.

Market Risk Under CRR (FRTB- and non -FRTB)

The regulation for market risk has been finalised as of January 2019: banks with an internal model for market risk must implement P&L-attribution tests, monitor non-modellable risk factors, apply for FRTB – approval and fully implement the standardized approach… 

Bank Controlling

Banks are competing for the most attractive risk-return trade-off. Thus, like in other industries, return controlling is important. In contrast to other industries, risk controlling is at least as important as return controlling. This seminar looks at both controlling dimensions, their particularities, challenges, and implementations… 


1:1 of Banking Regulation

Banking regulation got more and more complex, many people, even regulators have lost overview.

This seminar gives structured overview: for regulators/ bankers/ consultants that are specialists in a regulatory niche, but don’t necessarily see the big picture for Novices in banking/banking regulation… 

Regulatory and Internal Risk Management in Banks

This seminar targets those who are new in the banking industry and would like to get a compact and structured overview of banks’ risk and how they deal with them from a regulatory and an internal point of view. The topic scope is broad. It is organized as a 1.5h lunch seminar series across 12 weeks… 

Overall Bank Management I: Current Status and Future Challenges

You will gain an overview of the key components of overall bank management as an integrated risk and income management system, taking new regulatory requirements into account…

Overall Bank Management II:Practical Use of Key Figures in the Context of Overall Bank Management​

Banks are competing for the most attractive risk-return trade-off. Thus, like in other industries, return controlling is important. In contrast to other industries, risk controlling is at least as important as return controlling…

ESG Risks and Disclosure

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors have become integral to investment decision-making processes, transforming the landscape of responsible investing…

Identifying, Measuring, and Managing of Climate Risk in Banks

The impacts of climate change are increasingly being felt across the globe, and the financial sector, including banks, is not immune to its consequences. Recognizing the urgent need to address climate-related risks…

Pillar 1: Internal Rating-based Approach for Credit risk (IRBA)

The Internal Rating-based approach is the main element to make the RWA framework more risk-sensitive and align it to internal practices. Due to heterogenous approval practices across countries, IRBA practices have diverged…

Liquidity Risk Management Under CRR

Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) impose additional restrictions on buffer- and funding strategies. The LCR is conceptually complex, volatile across time and expensive to fulfil. The NSFR is less volatile which requires a long-term planning to identify potential…

ILAAP – Fundamental & Advanced

The seminar comprehensively addresses the main building blocks of ILAAP, their best practice implementation, and how to robustify typical weak points. We start out with the definition of the different liquidity risks, and in which products and services they can be found. Furthermore,…

Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book (IRRBB)

Interest rate cash flows in the banking book are one of the major profit, but also one of the major risk drivers of banks. Despite its importance, it hasn’t been included in Pillar I capital requirements so far…

Risk Model Validation

Risk models are an integral part of risk management. However, risk models have also played a major (notorious) role in the financial crisis. Regulators awareness has risen with respect to risk models, their accuracy and validation…


On 27 October 2021, the European Commission published proposed amendments for CRR/ CRD – the so called CRR III/ CRD VI – package. These amendments constitute the the EU – implementation of the “Basel III – Final” package and the last piece of the regulatory response to the Financial crisis. 2007/08…

SA-CCR Seminar

Counterparty credit risk of derivatives is an integral component of the RWA framework. However, the counterparty credit risk profile of derivatives is complex: it changes every day as its market value changes every day…

Bank Regulatory Reporting

In this online seminar, you will receive a comprehensive knowledge update from absolute experts on the most important innovations, current challenges and future challenges relating to reporting. You will benefit from the extensive experience of the speakers…

Harmonised ECB ICAAP-/ ILAAP Guidelines

ICAAP and ILAAP is the internal treatment of solvency- (ICAAP) and liquidity risks (ILAAP). In 2018, the ECB has published their best practice expectations on how banks should internally deal with risks…

Business Risk Measurement and Management

This seminar deep-dives into a risk that every bank is exposed to, but which often receives (too) little attention: business risk defined as an unexpected drop in business volumes, margins and fees…

Trading in Financial Markets: Financial Instruments and How to Use Them

The attendees will get to know the universe of financial instruments from basic instruments like bonds, stocks, currencies, to symmetric and asymmetric derivatives on them…

Understanding FX Markets and Products

FX Trading is a challenging concept due to the duality of FX rates and the associated market usances. The seminar discusses the different concepts of FX trading, -products and -strategies…

Pillar 1: Standardised Approach for Credit Risk (CRSA)

80% of the Total RWA are typically Credit Risk RWA. The Standardised Approach for Credit Risk is therefore the most prominent and influential building block of the Pillar 1 RWA Framework….

Pillar 1: Risk Mitigation Framework

The standardised approach for credit risk follows a simple structure when it comes to risk-weighting. However, the recognition of credit risk mitigation techniques is considered to be quite complex, but very useful as it provides multiple attractive possibilities to reduce RWA and therefore to safe capital… 

Connected Clients Under CRR/ Borrower Units Under German Banking Act

Legally independent clients have to be typically considered as one (super) client in the Large Exposure-, and Million Loan regime if there is a control unit (one legal entity controls via majority shareholding another legal entity) or risk unit (economic dependence). As a consequence,… 

Large Exposure Regime

The Large Exposure regime (subsequently abbreviated “LER”) serves as backstop measure to proxy the maximum loss the bank can suffer from the default of a single counterparty…

Liquidity Risk Management

In our seminar you will get an insight into the different dimensions of liquidity risk. We then deal in detail with the regulatory requirements. The focus here is on the European implementation of Basel III, i.e. the CRR. Furthermore,…

Cost Factor Liquidity Risk

The pricing of the risk factor of liquidity is becoming increasingly important for institutes – both on the economic and on the regulatory side. Regulatory due to the new requirements of the 4th MaRisk amendment, which requires that the size of the institute be taken into account, from transfer prices to mature transfer price models…

Collateral Management

The overarching lemma of this workshop is “Collateral is the new capital.” Like capital, collateral aims to minimize losses from potential defaults, only that it is not held by the surviving counterparty but posted by the defaulting counterparty…

Operational Risk Management

Being the last P&L – risk that feeds into the regulatory capital ratios, requirements, methods and processes have been refined during the last years. This seminar details the components of an effective framework for operational risk starting with data gathering (loss database,… 

Credit Scorecards, Rating Models, and Early Warning Systems

Internal rating- and early warning models increase the efficiency of the internal risk management by reducing the required amount of capital and increasing the forward-looking character of the risk environment…

Stress Testing

Stress testing has closed the gap to pure statistics-based risk models. Some regulators assign higher importance to stress tests than to analytical models. However, this workshop argues that analytical models and stress tests are not mutually exclusive but mutually complementary… 

Sustainability Reporting

This comprehensive seminar will delve into essential frameworks and standards, including GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) and ISSB (International Sustainability Standards Board)…

Crypto and EU Regulation

This seminar builds a bridge from the crypto-specific basic knowledge and technical terms to the supervisory regulation of this issue.

ESG Integration in Financial Institutions

Participants will gain insights into best practices for embedding ESG principles in investment decisions and risk management processes.  

Evolution of Basel III & the Development of the EU's Banking Package

This seminar offers a thorough understanding of Basel III nuances and how recent legislative actions in Europe are reshaping banking practices. 

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Participants will gain valuable insights into how these regulations impact their organisations directly while uncovering practical strategies to effectively manage compliance risks. 

German Banking Regulation

The seminar aims to prepare participants for future challenges in banking regulation through a practical session dedicated to understanding and navigating expectations set forth by BaFin effectively.

Third Country Branches (TCB’s) Operating in the EU

This seminar will provide attendees with an in-depth examination of TCBs’ regulatory frameworks and classifications specific to Germany.

BANKPAY - Increased Loyalty and Earnings Enabled by Innovative Payment Solutions

Our seminar will familiarize you with payment trends from a user perspective, the most innovative payment solutions offered by banks and payment service providers, and the associated regulatory requirements.

Payment Technologies 3.0: Digital, instantaneous, and cross-border

By the end of the seminar, you will have a strong understanding of the most important trends in payment and settlement infrastructure, the required implementation steps, and the related challenges. Our seminar qualifies you to lead projects on these initiatives within your firm. 

Treasury 3.0: Opportunities and challenges of digital, instantaneous, and cross-border Treasury activities

By the end of the seminar, you will have a solid understanding of the latest Treasury innovations, the required implementation steps, and the associated challenges. This seminar will qualify you to lead projects on these initiatives within your firm.


Every technical training seminar listed can be offered either as a “virtual” or “on-site” seminar depending on the participant/s preference and requirement.


Standard Content, Public Seminar, Connect virtually from anywhere
900 Per Day
  • Enhance professional development and be exposed to new perspectives
  • Seminars will take place only if three or more participants register for the event
  • In the event less than three participants register, the seminar may be cancelled, he/she may opt for another date or agree to the one-on-one coaching option @ 2000 EUR/per day
  • Receive a certificate at the end of the seminar
  • Access to the trainers presentation material (PPT, recordings)


Standard Content, Individual Training, Virtual / On-site
(hosted at a venue in Frankfurt)
2000 Per Day + Trainers expenses for on-site
  • Receive personalised attention
  • Enjoy the flexibility, accountability and ensure confidentiality
  • If the "virtual" option is selected it will be 2000 EUR/per day
  • Receive a certificate at the end of the seminar
  • Access to the trainers presentation material (PPT, recordings)


Customised Content, Virtual / On-site - hosted at a venue in Frankfurt
2000 Per Day + Trainers expenses for on-site + Content preparation fee
(will depend on the requirement)
  • Specifically designed content based on the requirement and needs
  • Enjoy the flexibility, accountability and ensure confidentiality
  • If the "virtual" option is selected it will cost €2000/per day + the content preparation fee
  • Receive a certificate at the end of the seminar
  • Access to the trainers presentation material (PPT, recordings)


The expert panel of trainers at Aspect Advisory Academy are specialists in the fields of financial consulting, data science, professors of finance, experts in financial technology. They bring with them extensive industry knowledge and experience offering you real-world strategic business insight and financial acumen to assist you with concepts and frameworks that will create an impact on your organisation.

They are committed to building and developing financial leaders who are future ready.


Partner, Aspect Advisory

Christian has worked with finance and risk divisions in banks across Europe and in South Africa…

His broad experience ranges from instrument pricing, limit setting systems for market risk, instrument cash flow analysis and liquidity stress testing, to dynamic capital allocation concepts. Christian is a professor of finance at the Aarhus University in Denmark and a visiting researcher at Deutsche Bundesbank. He lectures frequently at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management for Bank Controlling and Liquidity Risk Management, and provides training on all aspects of banking regulation, covering all risk types. His research is centred around practical challenges in implementing regulation reflected in publications on Basel III – compliance, liquidity risk management and risk reporting. Apart from participating in research conferences, Christian is also a regular speaker at practitioner conferences.


Partner, Aspect Advisory

Christian has worked with finance, risk and IT divisions in the finance and insurances sector across Europe and America over the past 15 years…

His broad experience ranges from regulatory reporting, risk management (market, credit and liquidity) accounting and the (prototypical) IT implementation of the requirements. Before Christian joined the Aspect Advisory family, he was a professor of finance and banking at the university of applied science in Munich, co-founder of a German based consulting boutique and partner of a well-established consulting company in Germany. In addition to his consulting activities, he works as speaker/lecturer for Frankfurt School of Finance and Management and the Association of German Public Banks.

After an apprenticeship as a bank clerk, he obtained the diploma degree in business administration from the University of Augsburg, Germany and his PhD at the Centre for Practical Quantitative Finance at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Germany.


Partner, Aspect Advisory

Stuart has focused his 17-year career in Risk and Finance themes, by assisting large Banks, multilaterals and DFI’s across Europe, Africa and the MENA region to design, develop, enhance and implement sustainable, robust and market-leading approaches to the challenges facing the financial sector…

Stuart specialises in themes affecting corporate finance, specifically those which support group and business strategy through organic and inorganic growth planning, as well as post-merger integration and optimisation. His projects focus deeply on the development of agile, robust and comprehensive enterprise risk management frameworks, including developing proactive regulatory amenability for large entities.

Stuart obtained his Commerce (PPE) and LLB degrees from the University of Cape Town and studied Advanced Corporate Finance at the London School of Economics.


Director, Aspect Advisory

Evan’s background comprises of financial mathematics, data analytics and software engineering. He has considerable experience working in quantitative modelling, data and application development across industries of Finance, Fintech and Utilities, with expertise in designing, developing and deploying data-driven, cloud-based and native applications…

He also has a keen interest in machine learning, blockchain technologies and fintech.

Evan holds a BSc (Eng.) in Civil Engineering and a MPhil. specialising in Mathematical Finance from the University of Cape Town.


Director, Aspect Advisory

Dario Ruggiero is a Senior Manager of the Aspect Advisory Group. Before that, he worked for many years as a Senior Consultant for a large reporting provider…

His main focus was on consulting and technical implementation of regulatory innovations at large retail banks, private banks and German state banks.

His expertise spans the areas of clearing houses, RWA calculation, credit risk mitigation and reporting requirements (e.g. capital and liquidity requirements) at European level and ESG risks. In addition, he has very good knowledge of the reporting software BAIS.


ESG & Climate Expert, Aspect Advisory

Mutale has worked on climate focused and sustainable finance projects with banks in South Africa and Europe. 

She holds a Master’s degree in Financial Technology and obtained a Business Science degree, both from the University of Cape Town. Mutale provides advisory services to advance business strategies for financial institutions with the aim of supporting the transition to a more climate resilient, lower carbon and sustainable, socially inclusive economy.


Digital Assets Expert, Aspect Advisory

Titose has worked with leading global Blockchain Protocol companies and projects in the CBDC industry.

She holds a Master’s degree in Financial Technology  from the University of Cape Town and a bachelor’s degree in Finance from the University of Botswana. Titose provides advisory services to help financial institutions with fintech solutions and implementation.


Aspect Advisory Academy provides you a host of tools to equip you to enhance your ability so that you can help your organisation manage risk, develop strategic insight and set realistic performance goals.



Today’s leaders are those who understand the complexities of a changing landscape. They work towards ensuring their companies are well prepared to make necessary policy decisions and develop impactful strategies which will exhibit the productive and innovative nature of their organisations.

Whether you are interested in how to mitigate risks, be well versed to use financial instruments, stay up to date with the changes in regulation or ensure your company prioritises ESG, we will work with you and tailor every aspect of the programme to ensure your team has a unique experience and the programmes meet the organisation’s specific needs.

The added value and exclusivity associated with personalised tailor made seminars will come at an additional fee depending on the overall requirement.

We would love to hear from you and develop bespoke learning solutions for your organisation that will address your company’s challenges and deliver desired outcomes more effectively.