Managing Director
Stuart has focused his 17-year career in Risk and Finance themes, by assisting large Banks, multilaterals and DFI’s across Europe, Africa and the MENA region to design, develop, enhance and implement sustainable, robust and market-leading approaches to the challenges facing the financial sector.
Stuart specialises in themes affecting corporate finance, specifically those which support group and business strategy through organic and inorganic growth planning, as well as post-merger integration and optimisation. His projects focus deeply on the development of agile, robust and comprehensive enterprise risk management frameworks, including developing proactive regulatory amenability for large entities.
Stuart obtained his Commerce (PPE) and LLB degrees from the University of Cape Town and studied Advanced Corporate Finance at the London School of Economics.
Managing Director
Christian has worked with finance and risk divisions in banks across Europe and in South Africa. His broad experience ranges from instrument pricing, limit setting systems for market risk, instrument cash flow analysis and liquidity stress testing, to dynamic capital allocation concepts. Christian is a professor of finance at the Aarhus University in Denmark and a visiting researcher at Deutsche Bundesbank. He lectures frequently at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management for Bank Controlling and Liquidity Risk Management, and provides training on all aspects of banking regulation, covering all risk types. His research is centred around practical challenges in implementing regulation reflected in publications on Basel III – compliance, liquidity risk management and risk reporting. Apart from participating in research conferences, Christian is also a regular speaker at practitioner conferences.
Managing Director
Christian has worked with finance, risk and IT divisions in the finance and insurances sector across Europe and America over the past 15 years. His broad experience ranges from regulatory reporting, risk management (market, credit and liquidity) accounting and the (prototypical) IT implementation of the requirements. Before Christian joined the Aspect Advisory family, he was a professor of finance and banking at the university of applied science in Munich, co-founder of a German based consulting boutique and partner of a well-established consulting company in Germany. In addition to his consulting activities, he works as speaker/lecturer for Frankfurt School of Finance and Management and the Association of German Public Banks.
After an apprenticeship as a bank clerk, he obtained the diploma degree in business administration from the University of Augsburg, Germany and his PhD at the Centre for Practical Quantitative Finance at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Germany.